Sonalika Mini Smart Series Chain Drive
Want to buy a Sonalika Mini Smart Series Chain Drive?
Here at Tractor Junction, you can get Sonalika Mini Smart Series Chain Drive at an affordable price. We provide every detail regarding Sonalika Mini Smart Series Chain Drive like mileage, features, performance, price and others.
Is Sonalika Mini Smart Series Chain Drive perfect for farming?
Yes, it provides effective work on the field that makes Sonalika Mini Smart Series Chain Drive perfect for farming. It comes under the Rotavator Category. And, it has 30-50 HP Implement Power that provides fuel efficient work. It is an implement that comes from the Sonalika brand house known for its superb quality niches.
What is the Sonalika Mini Smart Series Chain Drive price?
Sonalika Mini Smart Series Chain Drive price is available at Tractor Junction. You can just log on to us and register your number. After that, our customer support team will help you out with Sonalika Mini Smart Series Chain Drive. For further, you have to stay tuned with us.
It is another unique low weight Rotavator made out of Flat Frame surface fitted with a single straight pipe section on the front side the other side is made up of frame sheet bend as a square section.
It is fitted with multispeed gearbox & rotor is fitted with 6 to 12 more blades for doing much better pulverization of soil for preparing seed but while retaining soil moisture.
Its design doesn’t allow ingress of water during ploughing for plantation operation thereby gives better operational life of the implements.
It is suitable for 35 to 60 H.P Tractors & has a three-point linkage of extra strong design.
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